Pressing Stats
Pressing #: 1st
Color: Black Vinyl
Pressing #: 1st
Color: Black Vinyl
Qty Pressed: ???
Additional Info: Different version with Black with Reddish Purple Cover, Different Version with Side A music is on both sides, has both A & B Labels, over 100 were destroyed, leaving about 100-150 left, Different version with Incorrect track listing on the back and a photo of the band as cover
Track Listing:
- In Your Face
- Spread
- 99 Red Balloons
- Remains to be Seen
- Walk Together, Rock Together
- How Do You Think You'd Feel?
- Strength
Walk Together, Rock Together for most is the epitome of least from their glory years. I can't argue even though New Wind as stated before tends to be my favorite. The cover and layout is a classic possibly in the top 10 or 20 of many folks all time favorite covers. The music is essential for any fan of the hardcore punk scene especially the posi/youth crew. Get into it.I
Overall Vinyl Presentation 5/5
Music 5/5