Pressing Stats
Pressing #: Unknown
Color: Black Vinyl
Pressing #: Unknown
Color: Black Vinyl
Qty Pressed: /25000
Additional Info: There are Orange Center Labels and Green ones. The french pressing has tan center labels and an insert.
Track Listing:
- The Night Away
- New Wind
- Somebody Help Me Scream
- Tied Up in Rhythm
- Grown Apart
- Man Enough to Care
- Opinion of Feelings
- The Inside
- Calendar
- Expect to Change
- Still Believe
- Put These Words to Music
- Just One Day
I know that I am completely in the minority here, but I have to be honest and say that this LP is my favorite 7-Seconds LP to date and I'm not ashamed to admit it either. Many would disagree and state that Walk Together Rock Together or the Crew is theirs and I can't argue with them. Perhaps it is because this was the first album I heard by these guys and it has stuck with me since I first heard it in the late 80's. Some elements of hardcore and punk and a lot of mainstream rock (cough U2 cough) but this thing has always been so damn catchy that its hard not to feel good when listening to it.
Overall Vinyl Presentation 3/5
Music 5/5